Dormer Stainless Steel Split Tube Sampler 50 X 350mm & 2 C-Spanners



कर सहित शिपिंग की गणना की गई चेकआउट पर


The Split-Tube sampler is for taking undisturbed samples in firm soils. The stainless steel tube is split into two longitudinal halves with threaded retainers on both ends to hold the halves together. It is driven into the soil using a Slide Hammer. (Soldseparately)

The end retainers are unscrewed using the C-spanners supplied and the tube halves are easily parted exposing the cored sample. The sampler is 48mm OD, the sample is 40mm diameter and is available in 250mm and 350mm sample lengths.

  • Coarse thread only.

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