Prospectors is committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly business. Afterall, our business depends on it.

We are proud to offer many products that are manufactured with sustainable process. From Rite in the Rain all-weather paper to bio-degradable flagging tape many of our products are made with recyclable / recycled materials.

We also take a great deal of pride in running our own office in an environmentally friendly way.

We are committed to ensuring that we fulfill the requirements of applicable Australian and International standards and to minimize negative impacts we may have on the environment, through efficient use of resources and reduction in waste.

To achieve our environmental goals, we are committed to the principle of continual improvement and prevention of pollution. We have developed a framework to ensure that our activities and services comply with all applicable environmental standards and contribute to the well being of the community from which we operate.

This policy is the cornerstone of our commitment to the environment. It will be communicated to all staff throughout Prospectors to ensure that all staff are involved in achieving our environmental objectives.

Environmental Objectives:

  • Comply with all the legal and statutory obligations, corporate requirements and other programs to which Prospectors is committed to.
  • Encourage a sense of environmental responsibility among all employees through training, education and communication.
  • Employees are notified of updates to any environmental related changes in the office, and are required to comply with these.
  • Education of employees on programs used to monitor waste and negative environmental impacts

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  • “Waste” paper from printers is reused as note paper.
  • After paper cannot be reused it is shredded and used as protection in fragile packages.
  • When packages in cardboard boxes are received, the boxes are reused to dispatch other goods.
  • Lights are only used when required, and are switched off progressively as people leave the office at night. None are left on overnight.
  • Energy reducing florescent lighting is used in the office, which last a long time, without the energy consumption of standard light bulbs.
  • LED lighting is used in the warehouse
  • Blinds on the windows are designed to reflect sunlight so there is less need for air conditioning on hot days.
  • The windows are doubled glazed performance glass which greatly reduces heat transfer further reducing the need for air-conditioning.
  • Similarly in winter the blinds are left up to take advantage of the sunlight, leaving less need for heating.
  • Noise pollution is virtually non-existent - the office is located in a business park, away from community centres and residential areas.
  • Review our activities to develop objectives and targets to minimise the impact of the business on the local environment and develop appropriate programs to achieve these objectives.
  • Monitor and evaluate our environmental initiatives through internal and external audits.
  • Internally monitor waste through a program called Waste Reduction and Purchasing Policy.
  • Provide information on our environmental initiatives to the public through our website and publications.

 For any further queries contact Prospectors on 02 8408 0092.


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